Keir Book One of Redemption eBook Pippa Jay

Keir Book One of Redemption eBook Pippa Jay
I purchased this book yesterday morning after only reading a few pages of the sample chapters, so enthralled and drawn in was I by the writing, the characters, and the story. I felt such relief at finding what I thought was going to be an amazing book. It's been so long since I stumbled across something written by a skilled author. But now, with the book finished, I have realized it was a waste of my time and my $5. So here are the reasons why I disliked it.1) NOTHING in this book is ever explained. Ever. For instance, A) Quinn's past was never explained adequately enough for me to have figured out exactly what in the heck actually happened. B) Her big mission to find the person who destroyed her world was not adequately explained either and then the mission just....vanished as the book went on - like it was only a prop in the first place. C) Numerous scenes happened that appeared in the moment to be important, and then later, time after time, I discovered they were absolutely and utterly pointless. D) Questions in this book are constantly being raised, but again, never answered. There are never answers, never clarity, there is just more questions that are left as unanswered as the rest of them. The overall effect is maddening.
2) I am not entirely certain there was one, even ONE emotion in this whole book that was shown and not told. God, it was so bad. It didn't bother me as much at first because I kept thinking that at some point it would change. Well, it didn't, and it grated on my nerves for the entire last half of the book.
3) And finally for the biggest reason I didn't like this book, there was ultimately no underlying theme for me to grab onto. There was no goal the characters seemed to be working toward. There was no endgame. There was nothing. Seriously, I don't even know what the first half of the book was for. It turned out to be a random selection of events that meant NOTHING to the last half of the book and the ending. It was pointless. All of it was so, so pointless.
With that being said, if you are not the kind of person that cares if any dots are connected, doesn't often ask many questions during the course of a book, doesn't analyze character's emotions or motivations, doesn't need a backstory that is at least well developed enough to constitute genuine understanding, and doesn't care if there is a point to the vast majority of the scenes, then this book is actually fantastic. I really do mean that. I don't believe the author has any skill at crafting a compelling story, and struggles deeply with show vs tell, but the writing itself is exceptional. Really fantastic. The best I've read in a long time.

Tags : Keir: Book One of Redemption - Kindle edition by Pippa Jay. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Keir: Book One of Redemption.,ebook,Pippa Jay,Keir: Book One of Redemption,Pippa Jay,FICTION Science Fiction Space Opera,FICTION Romance Science Fiction
Keir Book One of Redemption eBook Pippa Jay Reviews
I began reading Keir with no expectations, despite having read and loved a novella from the same author. I knew that Keir was Pippa's debut work, so I went into it with an less critical approach for that reason. What I got was a manuscript that read like it was written by a seasoned author. Pippa has a knack for painting scenes with descriptions that provide good details without floundering in it. Her characters, even the supportive cast, are strong, can stand on their own and are presented within a three-dimensional context. I think flat-characters would be eaten alive in the world that Pippa has created with Keir, which I have discovered while reading is part of the same universe for her upcoming YA sci-fi adventure release of Gethyon.
One further comment about the world building - Pippa uses a backwards or persistent world-building technique that may throw some readers off. This means that her characters think, react and converse in full knowledge of their own histories even if the reader has not yet been introduced or is aware of these histories. These histories are explained as the story develops that shed light on a conversation that you may have read a few chapters before. This is different from the progressive world-building technique that most authors use. There is nothing at all wrong with this approach, and it can add some nice plot-twist elements, you just need to trust that even if you don't fully understand the conversation two characters are having in one scene that it will be relevant and explained later on. Pippa does make all those scenes relevant and I didn't find any loose strings by the end of the story.
I will say that the beginning of this book had me scratching my head a little bit. The first couple of chapters read like a fantasy story more than a sci-fi book, but as the story develops you learn why. Pippa has created a book that mixes elements from fanatasy, science fiction and science fantasy. The fantasy elements come in to play because one of the planets in the book hasn't developed science yet, and so they treat science as witch-craft and even name the heroine, Quin, as the Red Witch, and Keir as The Blue Demon. The planet reminded me of earth during the Spanish Inquisition. Once I figured this out, the story came to life. I would almost recommend a prologue or a first chapter to set this up to avoid confusion or losing readers in the first couple chapters who are wondering if they did buy a Science Fiction book.
There are sci-fi fantasy elements with Time-Travel, Psi-powers, gateways and telepathy. Though this may turn off hard-core science fiction readers, I thought it was done very well and explained within a believable context.
Now, about the romance - It is a sweet, but tormented, romance. Both of the leads have some heavy baggage, each with a richly developed history that is explained throughout the book. Their is a strong connection between them to start, but neither of them throws themselves at the other (which is refreshing). Both have real reasons for proceeding cautiously or misinterpreting the actions or intentions of the other. The intimacy scenes, though not quite as hot as I like, were extremely well written and beautiful. I think it suited both characters.
And the ending. Oh the ending. OH THE ENDING... not going to say anything else except to encourage you to see this book to the very end. You will be glad you did.
Ok so this book is right up my alley, I'm into all things scifi, strange, and classy romance. My problem is that I have lost my motivation to continue the book half way through, the characters are not developing, the beginning plot is repeating itself almost exactly and that to me is boring. I want development, I want adventure, I want suspense. Here I see a one trick pony story line that repeated itself at least once already half way through. It's a shame because I was so pulled in, in the beginning but now I doubt I'll finish it.
Update I finished it, which made me drop a star from my rating. The entire book was repetitive so much so that several sentences would sound so similar in a row it was very hard to read middle to back. It's like the passion of the writing for this book ended after the beginning and the writer lost momentum. There are a lot of unanswered questions, a lot of things just randomly... "are" which only a little bit bothers me. The ending was really not tasteful at all and made no sense.
I purchased this book yesterday morning after only reading a few pages of the sample chapters, so enthralled and drawn in was I by the writing, the characters, and the story. I felt such relief at finding what I thought was going to be an amazing book. It's been so long since I stumbled across something written by a skilled author. But now, with the book finished, I have realized it was a waste of my time and my $5. So here are the reasons why I disliked it.
1) NOTHING in this book is ever explained. Ever. For instance, A) Quinn's past was never explained adequately enough for me to have figured out exactly what in the heck actually happened. B) Her big mission to find the person who destroyed her world was not adequately explained either and then the mission just....vanished as the book went on - like it was only a prop in the first place. C) Numerous scenes happened that appeared in the moment to be important, and then later, time after time, I discovered they were absolutely and utterly pointless. D) Questions in this book are constantly being raised, but again, never answered. There are never answers, never clarity, there is just more questions that are left as unanswered as the rest of them. The overall effect is maddening.
2) I am not entirely certain there was one, even ONE emotion in this whole book that was shown and not told. God, it was so bad. It didn't bother me as much at first because I kept thinking that at some point it would change. Well, it didn't, and it grated on my nerves for the entire last half of the book.
3) And finally for the biggest reason I didn't like this book, there was ultimately no underlying theme for me to grab onto. There was no goal the characters seemed to be working toward. There was no endgame. There was nothing. Seriously, I don't even know what the first half of the book was for. It turned out to be a random selection of events that meant NOTHING to the last half of the book and the ending. It was pointless. All of it was so, so pointless.
With that being said, if you are not the kind of person that cares if any dots are connected, doesn't often ask many questions during the course of a book, doesn't analyze character's emotions or motivations, doesn't need a backstory that is at least well developed enough to constitute genuine understanding, and doesn't care if there is a point to the vast majority of the scenes, then this book is actually fantastic. I really do mean that. I don't believe the author has any skill at crafting a compelling story, and struggles deeply with show vs tell, but the writing itself is exceptional. Really fantastic. The best I've read in a long time.

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