Fablehaven Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary Brandon Mull Brandon Dorman Books

Fablehaven Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary Brandon Mull Brandon Dorman Books
This book is the fourth book in the Fablehaven series. I was first introduced to this series when I was eight years old. The set I had included the first second and third books in the series. At first, I was scared to read the second book after reading the first. Then later, when I was eleven, I decided to read it again, and found I had discovered the best series I had ever read. Once my mom and little brother had read the first three books, my mom ordered the next two. I could not stop reading them. I was up until midnight reading under my covers. I still enjoy reading the series over and over again. The fourth book is my favorite.Kendra is very obedient, and a big rule follower, whereas her brother, Seth, is a major rule breaker and adventurer. These attributes are helpful to the characters, but not always. Another character is Gavin. Gavin is the son of Chuck Rose, he is also a Dragon Brother and a dragon tamer.
The book starts out with Kendra getting after Seth for keeping gold when he wasn't supposed to. Then, Kendra is kidnaped by the Society of the Evening Star. Later, the Knights of the Dawn go on a mission to find a key at Wyrmwroost, one of the Dragon Sanctuaries. on the way, they meet Raxtus, a fairy dragon. Kendra and Seth, along with their allies, brave the Dragon Temple, and find the key. But will they survive the Dragon Temple with its guardians? Throughout the book, they are trying to outwit the Sphinx, the former leader of the Knights of the Dawn and the current leader of the Society of the Evening Star. The mood in this book is exciting, suspenseful, and, sometimes, a little scary.
This book will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole way through. I thought that this was a very good book. Once you read this book, you'll probably want to read the others. I strongly recommend this book to people who enjoy fantasy adventure.
-by Don's daughter

Tags : Amazon.com: Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary (0783027410426): Brandon Mull, Brandon Dorman: Books,Brandon Mull, Brandon Dorman,Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary,Shadow Mountain,1606410423,Animals - Mythical Creatures,Family - Siblings,Fantasy - General,Animals, Mythical,Brothers and sisters,Brothers and sisters;Juvenile fiction.,Fantasy,Fantasy fiction,Good and evil,Grandparents,Magic,Magic;Fiction.,Magic;Juvenile fiction.,Science Fiction & Fantasy Fantasy,Action & Adventure - General,Animals - Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical,CHILDREN'S FICTION FANTASY,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionAnimals - Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical,Juvenile FictionFamily - Siblings,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Monograph Series, any,Science fiction (Children's Teenage),TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Animals Mythical Creatures,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family Siblings,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,Action & Adventure - General,Animals - Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical,Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionAnimals - Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical,Juvenile FictionFamily - Siblings,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Animals Mythical Creatures,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family Siblings,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Fiction,Juvenile fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Science fiction (Children's Teenage)
Fablehaven Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary Brandon Mull Brandon Dorman Books Reviews
I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in this series, and since then it has only gotten better and better. In "Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary" we find our heroes setting out on their most complex, dangerous quest yet. Kendra, 15, and Seth, 13, along with their Knights of the Dawn companions, must obtain a key that will give them access to an artifact that the evil Society of the Evening Star wants to use to open the prison Zzyzx and release the destructive demons confined there.
There is nonstop action from the beginning, long before we get to the titular dragon sanctuary. First, Kendra is kidnapped. Then, the first horn of a unicorn must be retrieved from a centaurs' cave guarded by a perilous maze and a troll, who fortunately is not very bright. The horn is needed to gain entry to Wyrmroost, where the key is hidden and guarded by fearsome creatures. Wyrmroost is a sanctuary not only for dragons but for other dangerous predators such as wyverns, griffins, giants, rocs, mountain trolls and phoenixes.
Kendra continues to grow in maturity and judgment, but Seth ... not so much. He is still as adventuresome and reckless as ever, but he does prove invaluable on the quest, with his newly discovered talents as a shadow charmer and shade walker. I don't want to give away too much of the story, so I'll just mention that there will be a betrayal and a shocking revelation about one of the characters. On the brighter side, you'll get to meet a lovable, friendly dragon named Raxtus. At the end, Grandpa Sorenson has some startling news for Kendra and Seth, which sets us up for the fifth, and final, adventure, which I hope won't take too long to get here.
When Kendra is kidnapped by the Society of the Evening Star and replaced by a magical look alike she wonders if all hope might be lost. The imposter relays many of her secrets and compromises the Knights of Dawn before committing suicide so that the world thinks she's dead. While Kendra tries to figure out how to escape the rest of the gang mourns her death while trying to discover the secret room which holds information about the artifacts before the Sphinx retrieves them himself and opens the Demon prison to unleash on an unsuspecting world. Will Kendra escape? With the Fablehaven crew be able to get the artifacts before the Sphinx?
You know, I thought the beginning books of this series were long, but as we surge closer to the end of the series the tomes become longer, the stakes get higher and the plots more intense. While the danger was higher than in any of the previous novels, I noted in my review of the third book that the series had become a little darker than before. The darkness in the novel gives it a heavy feel than the previous novels and when combined with the detailed descriptions it does considerably slow down the pace. The books become more difficult to read the further into the series you get. If you were purchasing this series for a child it would work nicely as a yearly birthday gift starting with the first book at age nine and the last at thirteen so that the books would kind of coincide with their maturity growth and gains in reading skill. The darkened feel of never knowing who can be trusted or just want lengths the enemy will go to in order to achieve their goals does seem to make it heavy to read and even as I fast reader I read this book at a slower pace than most. However the journey is worth enduring even though the pace isn't very fast. It is filled with intrigues, excitement and adventure. This book employs less humor than the previous novels, but I think it fits with the story line as the stakes grow higher and the missions get tougher. As always the books are filled with many mystical creatures who are very well described and easy to picture within your mind. Even though the creatures aren't human they have their own human like agendas, intrigues and allegiances. There's no denying Mull's talent for writing with stories filled with breathtaking journeys, heart stopping dangers and intricate characters. With each book it seems his talent grows though I will say that each novel has a different feel to it as if every time he sits down to write he looks at the world with new eyes. Mull employed a close third person narrative throughout the novel with an intriguing plot filled with unexpected surprises and betrayals. Even though his books aren't really fast paced they do keep you glued to the pages until the very end.
As mentioned in previous reviews with each books his characters get a little deeper, begin to take more shape and grow as people. Seth's adventurousness is less careless than in previous novels, his motives are less self serving. The chances he takes especially within this novel are more calculated and hero-like in nature. You can see him maturing into a young adult to be admired despite his daring nature. Kendra also grows with each book and I find it easier to relate to her with each adventure I join her on. It's sad, but as the novel progresses she begins to look at people with a more jaded outlook. She doesn't know who she can trust anymore and it seems she faces betrayal at every turn. I mean you can't help but feel a little regretful that she had to face this sad fact about the world so young, but after what she's been through for her to remain trusting of strangers and open about new people would be unrealistic. She also grows as a character gaining both more understanding as well as courage. The siblings grow closer with this novel and both take on more hero worthy characteristics. One of things I love about Mull's work is that even though the leading characters remain Kendra and Seth it's not constantly the same group of people in every novel. Gavin reappears in this novel and boy does his character takes some shocking twists and turns. Maddox sort of makes reappearance; you'll have to read to understand that one. We also see Dougan, Mara, Grandpa, Grandma, Warren, Tanu, Vanessa, Dale, The Fairy Queen, The Sphinx, the satyrs and centaurs among others all make reappearances, though many of these previously reoccurring characters do not receive much play in the book. Dale still remains a very flat and pretty much unimportant character. The previously known characters make way for introductions of new and intriguing characters like a dragon named Raxtus (who was my favorite new characters) more Knights of Dawn, as well as many other interesting characters. While some characters do remain kind of flat and in the background, most of the characters are well fleshed out , memorable and intriguing.
Overall I probably wouldn't hand this book to a reader younger than age twelve because I doubt they'd make it all the way through despite how good the story is. However it's a fantasy I feel will appeal to young adult and adult readers alike with a highly recommend and interesting story.
This book is the fourth book in the Fablehaven series. I was first introduced to this series when I was eight years old. The set I had included the first second and third books in the series. At first, I was scared to read the second book after reading the first. Then later, when I was eleven, I decided to read it again, and found I had discovered the best series I had ever read. Once my mom and little brother had read the first three books, my mom ordered the next two. I could not stop reading them. I was up until midnight reading under my covers. I still enjoy reading the series over and over again. The fourth book is my favorite.
Kendra is very obedient, and a big rule follower, whereas her brother, Seth, is a major rule breaker and adventurer. These attributes are helpful to the characters, but not always. Another character is Gavin. Gavin is the son of Chuck Rose, he is also a Dragon Brother and a dragon tamer.
The book starts out with Kendra getting after Seth for keeping gold when he wasn't supposed to. Then, Kendra is kidnaped by the Society of the Evening Star. Later, the Knights of the Dawn go on a mission to find a key at Wyrmwroost, one of the Dragon Sanctuaries. on the way, they meet Raxtus, a fairy dragon. Kendra and Seth, along with their allies, brave the Dragon Temple, and find the key. But will they survive the Dragon Temple with its guardians? Throughout the book, they are trying to outwit the Sphinx, the former leader of the Knights of the Dawn and the current leader of the Society of the Evening Star. The mood in this book is exciting, suspenseful, and, sometimes, a little scary.
This book will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole way through. I thought that this was a very good book. Once you read this book, you'll probably want to read the others. I strongly recommend this book to people who enjoy fantasy adventure.
-by Don's daughter

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