Great eBook Sara Benincasa

Great eBook Sara Benincasa
"The Great Gatsby" is my all-time favorite novel, so I expected a lot out of Sara Benincasa's modern day version of Fitzgerald's classic, but she crafted a novel that met and exceeded my high expectations! The characters are brilliantly developed, especially the ones that you love to hate. The title of this book, "Great", says it is an impeccable read, and I can't wait to dive into other by this author!
Tags : Great eBook: Sara Benincasa: Kindle Store,ebook,Sara Benincasa,Great,HarperTeen,Girls & Women,Historical - United States - 21st Century,Social Themes - Friendship,Blogs,Celebrities,Celebrities;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Conduct of life,Conduct of life;Fiction.,Fashion,Fiction,Girls & Women,Hamptons (N.Y.),Historical - United States - 21st Century,Lesbians,Personal & social issues: sexuality & relationships (Children's Teenage),Social Themes - Friendship,Wealth,Wealth;Fiction.,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Young Adult Fiction Girls & Women,Young Adult Fiction Historical United States 21st Century,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Friendship,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionHistorical - United States - 21st Century,Young Adult Fiction Girls & Women,Young Adult Fiction Historical United States 21st Century,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Friendship,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionHistorical - United States - 21st Century,YOUNG ADULT FICTION: Girls & Women *,YOUNG ADULT FICTION: Historical United States 21st Century *,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Personal & social issues: sexuality & relationships (Children's Teenage)
Great eBook Sara Benincasa Reviews
excellent work by one of my favorite young adult authors. she does a terrific job of turning the Great Gatsby into something fresh, new and exciting for young adult readers.
Pretty good rendition with a great twist. Just like in The Great Gatsby I wished they focused on Jacinta and Delilah's relationship. Ialways wanted to hear a star studded story like this from my hometown.
Even though I'm not a YA reader, I really enjoyed this adaptation from the Fitzgerald classic. Benincasa manages to craft a story that is both loyal to Gatsby and also stands well on its own two legs in a way that I imagine modern readers, especially YA readers, will still relate to.
Great is a modern retelling of The Great Gatsby. It’s an entertaining book with memorable characters and page-turning drama. I loved it & highly recommend it to anyone looking for a fun read!
A great take on a updated version on the classic Great Gatsby. Not much has changed in the way people treat people/view themselves (sadly) and others. I do however think it will give the younger generation a greater appreciation on the human social condition. Sara Benincasa did a great job taking the essence of old characters and give them new life 90 years later.
LOVE. The essence of the story line may have had connections to Gatsby (a personal favorite of mine) but the lense, language, and perspective are so unique and special to this story. I couldn't put it down and have actually read it twice to pick up on what I missed. Smartly written and clever as hell.
Great by Sara Benincasa is a reimagining of The Great Gatsby set in the modern day Hamptons. Great introduces teenage Naomi Rye who arrives in the Hamptons to spend the summer with her celebrity chef mother. She becomes transfixed by her mysterious neighbor Jacinta, who seems to be the Hampton's IT girl. When she is not dishing in her blog about the Hampton glitterati, Jacinata is planning lavish parties that are the talk of the town. Naomi, who expected the summer to be a bore, finds herself with a hot boyfriend and a new best friend who is the most glamorous teen in the Hamptons. But Jacinta, like Jay Gatsby, is hiding secrets and scandal is on the horizon. Changing the gender of the classic main character is not often done in YA classic connections, but it works well in Great. The basic structure of the story remains the same with the outside narrator telling the tale. Inviting a comparison with the original should make for lively discussion.
"The Great Gatsby" is my all-time favorite novel, so I expected a lot out of Sara Benincasa's modern day version of Fitzgerald's classic, but she crafted a novel that met and exceeded my high expectations! The characters are brilliantly developed, especially the ones that you love to hate. The title of this book, "Great", says it is an impeccable read, and I can't wait to dive into other by this author!

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