Fabric Dyer Dictionary 900+ Colors Specialty Techiniques The Only Dyeing Book You'll Ever Need! edition by Linda Johansen Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

Fabric Dyer Dictionary 900+ Colors Specialty Techiniques The Only Dyeing Book You'll Ever Need! edition by Linda Johansen Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks
I was hesitant to buy this based on a couple of reviews but based on a another review which said the kindle version was not a mess (and its not) like some craft books can be, I got the Kindle ver. and I’m very glad that I did. For beginners you could follow the steps and dye your first piece of fabric immediately. Clear easy to follow instructions that don’t have you running around buying expensive equipment and supplies. For advanced dyers she gives you some very interesting color profiles, a couple of which that are very poplular with my customers.As one reviewer mentioned she does use U.S. measure, tsp, tbsp, cup, etc., which is great for beginners trying to gather tools on the cheap but does make repeatability a challenge. If you need consistency as I do since I sell my fabric, doing the conversions to metric for repeatability is a must and very simple using Excel or even Google if you keep handwritten profiles.

Tags : Fabric Dyer's Dictionary: 900+ Colors, Specialty Techiniques, The Only Dyeing Book You'll Ever Need! - Kindle edition by Linda Johansen. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Fabric Dyer's Dictionary: 900+ Colors, Specialty Techiniques, The Only Dyeing Book You'll Ever Need!.,ebook,Linda Johansen,Fabric Dyer's Dictionary: 900+ Colors, Specialty Techiniques, The Only Dyeing Book You'll Ever Need!,C&T Publishing,Reference,Arts And Crafts,Crafts & Hobbies,Crafts & Hobbies Dye,Crafts & Hobbies Reference,Crafts & Hobbies: Dye,Crafts Hobbies,Dictionaries,Dye,Dyes and dyeing,Dyes and dyeing - Textile fibers,Dyes and dyeing, Domestic,Dyes and dyeing, Domestic;Dictionaries.,Dyes and dyeing;Textile fibers;Dictionaries.,Handicrafts, Arts & Crafts,HobbiesCrafts,Needlework & fabric crafts,Reference,Textile Arts,Textile fibers,Crafts & Hobbies Dye,Crafts & Hobbies Reference,Crafts & Hobbies: Dye,Dye,Crafts Hobbies,Arts And Crafts,Textile Arts,Dictionaries,Dyes and dyeing,Dyes and dyeing, Domestic,Textile fibers,Crafts & Hobbies,HobbiesCrafts,Handicrafts, Arts & Crafts,Needlework & fabric crafts
Fabric Dyer Dictionary 900+ Colors Specialty Techiniques The Only Dyeing Book You'll Ever Need! edition by Linda Johansen Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks Reviews
I kind of hate this book but I can honestly see its utility for the right dyer. The author uses no weight... so its impossible to reproduce the results exactly-- but I am not here to tell you you have to use a scale..use your measuring spoons if it makes you happy. I also don't think that the intention of the book was to give you an exact color recipes (how could it be?) I believe she wants you to use the book as a guide for making your own swatches...I'm not really clear on the whole thing.
I do find it frustrating because even when I want to approximate her color I can't possibly scale up the authors recipes if I don't know how much her cloth weighed. We all know muslin, broadcloth etc are different weights per fat quarter...I can't even use this book if I try because I don't know how many teaspoons of dye solution to add if I'm dyeing three yards of white flannel! I do get an idea of how colors mix using the book but she uses an odd selection of dyes (using mixtures instead of pure dyes like tangerine instead of golden yellow when they are very similar colors) and shows no three color combos (if I recall correctly) which would have been really helpful. Its also not the most interesting selection of colors that she's showing you... The work at the end is pretty awful too...I am not quite sure how this author got to write this book-- Writing this review makes me want to give the book a one star review, but there's nothing else like it on the market and I honestly do flip through it, but I feel resentful while I do it!
just in case you don't see the review about dye type this book is only relevant to MX dyes and for dyeing white cotton muslin fat quarters...trust me, if you don't know how to dye fabric this is not the book you should buy to learn, it doesn't really tell you that part.
Often the edition is not the same as the print version, which can be a problem with any book portraying colors. I was very undecided about purchasing the version vs. the paper version. However, since I may be moving again in the next year or so, I am trying to keep the amount of weight (and packing) down, so I went with the version. I'm glad I did, because the colors are very well represented.
Oh, did I mention the color recipes are great? And the writing is clear and concise? The author has also included the information on several of the most commonly used dying techniques. Worth every cent! If you really want to have colors come out as you pictured them in your mind, you need this book,
MX dyes can be used on animal fibers, but are far better, in my opinion, for plant fibers. This explains color theory, use of the typical MX dyes and working with them in an understandable way that would not go over the head of a beginner dyer. I use the ideas for mixes, painting with dyes and with some acid work with MX Dyes. It is complete, almost unheard of to dye fabric without. I refer to it often. Actually, several times a week. There are always areas about color I can and should learn more about. If I ever know it all, I would die of boredom. This book fills in gaps other books leave behind and is a nice compliment to, Color by Accident and Color by Design. I really enjoy it.
This book was extremely disappointing. I have been dyeing cotton and silk fabric with Procion MX dyes for more than 25 years. I have taken classes and workshops with some of the leading experts in the US on fabric dyeing and surface design. I was expecting that this book would provide a comprehensive analysis of dyeing with Procion MX. Instead, this book is a just a jumble. It offers nothing to the experienced dyer and it fails to provide the basics for a beginning dyer.
This book is the best I have found for dying fabric. Please note The author uses 100% cotton to dye her projects, while I use linen. The cotton absorbs dye at a different rate (generally a deeper color), so I have noticed the color is a little lighter than in the book. Not to worry ... the color values and tones are perfect!
It is amazing how many colors this book shows you. I certainly did not know that if you put 3/4 blue and 1/4 orange the color is similar to a denim! The author shows you how you can dye 1/4 yard and 1 yard pieces. If you have more than 1 yard, just increase the recipe.
Since I tend to dye 3 or more yards at a time, I picked up an old wringer washer that I use just for dying. This allows the colors to saturate the fabric. And if you are dying a piece of fabric, and the color is very light, chances are the fabric has polyester in it.
I keep setting the book aside and finding it months later, so I have also purchased an electronic version of this book.
I highly recommend this book to any person who wants to explore dying.
I was hesitant to buy this based on a couple of reviews but based on a another review which said the kindle version was not a mess (and its not) like some craft books can be, I got the ver. and I’m very glad that I did. For beginners you could follow the steps and dye your first piece of fabric immediately. Clear easy to follow instructions that don’t have you running around buying expensive equipment and supplies. For advanced dyers she gives you some very interesting color profiles, a couple of which that are very poplular with my customers.
As one reviewer mentioned she does use U.S. measure, tsp, tbsp, cup, etc., which is great for beginners trying to gather tools on the cheap but does make repeatability a challenge. If you need consistency as I do since I sell my fabric, doing the conversions to metric for repeatability is a must and very simple using Excel or even Google if you keep handwritten profiles.

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