Blood on the Tracks Sydney Rose Parnell Barbara Nickless Books

Blood on the Tracks Sydney Rose Parnell Barbara Nickless Books
Good read. I've never heard of a Railway cop.
Tags : Blood on the Tracks (Sydney Rose Parnell) (9781503936867): Barbara Nickless: Books,Barbara Nickless,Blood on the Tracks (Sydney Rose Parnell),Thomas & Mercer,1503936864,Audiobook; Audio; Book; CD; Murder; Mystery,Colorado - Denver,Detective and mystery fiction,FICTION Mystery & Detective Police Procedural,Fiction,Fiction - Mystery Detective,Fiction Mystery & Detective General,Fiction Mystery & Detective Women Sleuths,FictionMystery & Detective - Women Sleuths,Iraq War, 2003-2011;Veterans;United States;Fiction.,Murder - Investigation,Murder;Investigation;Fiction.,Mystery & Detective - General,Mystery & Detective - Police Procedural,Mystery & Detective - Women Sleuths,MysterySuspense,Railroad police,Railroad police - Colorado - Denver,Railroad police;Colorado;Denver;Fiction.,Suspense fiction,Thrillers (Fiction)
Blood on the Tracks Sydney Rose Parnell Barbara Nickless Books Reviews
Since I enjoy reading police procedural novels, I didn’t need to go past the summary description that this one included a K-9 partner to immediately select it as my First choice.
While this is an especially interesting police procedural story since Sydney Rose Parnell and Clyde are part of a railroad police force, it goes much deeper. The writing and the characterizations are both excellent. The dialogue rings true for all the various characters and the pacing makes it a page turning thriller.
However, there is enough introspection and philosophical musings that it can also be classified as literary fiction. The plot is complex and has numerous twists and turns that do not seemed forced. The murder mystery is challenging enough for even dedicated fans of the genre.
The only jarring note for me was the use of apparitions which stretched my ability to suspend disbelief and seemed both out of place and unnecessary. Flashbacks and related thoughts about the dead, would have been just as effective but more realistic than ghosts which first appear in the beginning of Chapter 1, so no spoilers with this comment.
The main murder mystery is concluded in this book but there is a major storyline left open as a lead in to the next book. Overall, I found this to be an enjoyable, fast paced and well written thriller.
I got this book and the Audible not long after it came out, and just had to stop with it a fairly good way into it. I am an army veteran, so perhaps that explains why I didn't get that give star glow like so many others; this book defies physics by both sucking and blowing at the same time. The only parts of the book that rang true were just the lines the author lifted from Hemmingway. And, please, you recognize someone you met ONCE briefly (with them concealing their face) and you can recognize them from a distance during a blizzard years later? And everybody knew everybody else from the war; at least throw in a couple of degrees of separation! I thought the whole hobo expert thing was just unrealistic also. When did she ride the rails to gain her vast knowledge? Or did she have a hobo lexicon no body else haves? With minimal research, the author could have discovered that the rank of corporal is exactly one rank above private first class, and not an officer the way the author seems to think. It's one of the lower ranks in the army and marine corps. I just can not understand all these five star reviews; I mean five stars should be for GREAT books, like To Kill a Mockingbird and the like. Just because you read a book to it's end (some how) doesn't make it a five star book. I've just given up on 's rating system; I'm not even sure why I'm writing this, other than hopefully saving a few readers from being duped into buying this. Run!
It's not a good mystery unless there is a twist...or two...or three...or so many twists you begin to question when enough is enough.
Don't get me wrong. There are many more reasons to read this book than to pass it by. Here's a quick rundown, without spoilers
THE HEROINE -- At first, it appeared this was going to be another female character who somehow seems to do everything right despite all the angst she has to lug around. However, the author has created a character with believable issues, one who uses her problems to help solve her case. Sydney Parnell is an interesting heroine who won me over after reading only a few chapters.
THE PLOT -- While the mystery is the main focus, the sub-plot is woven with devilish care, the author teasing us with a fact here, a fact there. You know the sub-plot ties in with the murder, but the reasons why are slowly revealed throughout the course of the book. A great technique that keeps the reader wondering, and driven to continue turning pages.
THE WRITING -- Ms. Nickless writes with excellent care. Her scene descriptions are vivid, and the attention to the thoughts of her main character Sydney is wonderful. Overall, enjoyable to read. Worth 5.5 stars in this area!
ADDITIONAL WRITING THOUGHT -- The author uses transcripts of the main character's notes, interviews, journals, etc. at the beginning of each chapter. These small interludes were a great device that revealed much about Sydney Parnell in an entertaining manner...great idea!
JUST SO YOU KNOW -- With a gritty story, there is the possibility of gritty dialogue. If you object to the use of f-bombs and similar words, this is not the book for you. One R rated sex scene also occurs. I don't subtract stars if an author chooses to include language or sex, just letting potential readers know both exist in this book. As far as this being the first in a series, the story does stand alone and does not require additional purchases.
THE TWISTS -- Like everyone else, I enjoy being surprised. Revealing who we think is the murderer followed by a twist revealing the actual murderer is entertaining, and many authors have used this method successfully. Twist after twist after twist? To paraphrase Jerry Maguire, "You had me at the first twist." For me, I enjoy when an author drops clues throughout the book that add up to a strong justification when the murderer is finally revealed, and I personally thought this could have been handled a little better. I hesitate to say more without spoiling the story for others.
HOWEVER...even with the "twists" issue, the story is excellent and I found myself really liking the character of Sydney Parnell. Definitely recommend this as well as subsequent books in this series. 4-1/2 stars
Good read. I've never heard of a Railway cop.

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