The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt Elizabeth Cody Kimmel 9780803733039 Books

The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt Elizabeth Cody Kimmel 9780803733039 Books
I loved this book for many reasons. I think that it is funny,inspirational, and just an amazing book. I would suggest this book to every one of my friends, I just think that it really reaches a point in a13 year old girls life. The first time I read this book I fell in love with it. I just wanted to be Moxie Roosevelt Kipper, and deal with her situation with my own twists. Every time I read this book I just want to have a friend like Moxie. I really don't like to read, but when I went to the library one day to check-out a small children's book (because of how I don't like to read) I looked up and saw this big,thick, hardback book with an appealing name I just picked it up and said "Mommy this is it, this is the book I want!" So we went to the check-out lady and got the book in my possession, and once we got into the car I was lost in chapter 1. I have returned the book to the library because of it's due date, and downloaded it to my kindle so I can read it when ever I feel. I have written a very long review for my favorite book just now, and I would like for you to know that these words are coming from a 10 year old's heart, soul, and, mind.
Tags : The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt [Elizabeth Cody Kimmel] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Moxie Roosevelt Kipper has endured thirteen years of being an ordinary girl with an unordinary name. Now that she's entered boarding school,Elizabeth Cody Kimmel,The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt,Dial Books,0803733038,Social Themes - Friendship,Social Themes - Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance,Boarding schools;Fiction.,Personality;Fiction.,Self-perception;Fiction.,Boarding schools,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Children: Grades 4-6,Fiction,Humorous Stories,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Humorous Stories,Juvenile Fiction Social Themes Friendship,Juvenile Fiction Social Themes Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance,Personality,Self-perception,Social Issues - Friendship,Social Issues - Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt Elizabeth Cody Kimmel 9780803733039 Books Reviews
As a mother who screens everything her daughter reads, one criterion I have for actually buying the books we like is that they have to be worth a second read. Well, both of us had a great giggle at "The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt." We'd previously enjoyed Elizabeth Kimmel's "Suddenly Supernatural" series, but this is our first review of one of Ms. Kimmel's work. So I looked up the cost of downloading it to said daughter's new - and it was *cheaper to get a hardcover*!!!!! Er, hello!!! I get that the cost of the version would go down once the hard copies and paperbacks are sold out, but I think $10.99 for a book that can be read over a 45-minute car ride is a bit much, no? Even if that book was a fabulous read and well worth being purchased? Still, we are grateful for the options available (sigh) and will be looking forward to our very own copy of "The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt" in the mail pretty soon. Meanwhile, a prayer for all the trees in the world ... and the book in the words of said daughter
"The book, `The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt' by Elizabeth Kimmel was a hilarious book on finding your true self.
"Moxie Roosevelt Kipper is a normal girl with a passion for music. In other words, she is very average as far as she and her classmates are concerned. But when Moxie is given a music scholarship to Eaton Academy, she decides to give herself a complete character makeover. But what should she be? A Mysterious Earth Goddess? A Hale and Hearty Sports Enthusiast? An Assertive Revolutionary Activist? An Amish girl? Or a Detached Unique Coolly Knowing Individual?? But as Moxie's lies start to pile up to the size of Mt. Everest, can Moxie keep herself from tumbling down the mountain? Or will Moxie loose her friends, her pride and her place at Eaton Academy?
"My favorite part was when Moxie is wondering what boarding school is like but keeps coming up with Dementors and Sorting Hats! I almost died laughing.
"I would give the book five stars two stars for humor, two for the characters including the different `Moxies', and one for the plot. I can't wait to tell all my friends about it."
First, I have to comment on the cover of this book which, in my opinion, was a perfect fit for the storyline.
The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt is a wonderful read - I loved everything about it, from the main character Moxie who has so much to offer the world, if only she would believe in herself to the storyline itself which is an absolute delight and a mixture of "sending a positive message", blended in with humor and a little bit of sadness.
Moxie is now at boarding school and is taking advantage of it - she is going to reinvent herself and turn into that person that everyone will love and look up to. Through a series of "reinventions" that are more or less successful, Moxie learns that not everything is as it appears and that sometimes, you should just let "life" take you where it will....
I loved that the message in this book is - go ahead and try to change yourself and twist yourself to meet this "ideal" that only seems to exist in your own head, but you will also discover that you are who you are going to be in the end - and that is just fine!
Very well written - not remotely preachy and at times, pretty funny, this YA is a great read.
I loved this book for many reasons. I think that it is funny,inspirational, and just an amazing book. I would suggest this book to every one of my friends, I just think that it really reaches a point in a13 year old girls life. The first time I read this book I fell in love with it. I just wanted to be Moxie Roosevelt Kipper, and deal with her situation with my own twists. Every time I read this book I just want to have a friend like Moxie. I really don't like to read, but when I went to the library one day to check-out a small children's book (because of how I don't like to read) I looked up and saw this big,thick, hardback book with an appealing name I just picked it up and said "Mommy this is it, this is the book I want!" So we went to the check-out lady and got the book in my possession, and once we got into the car I was lost in chapter 1. I have returned the book to the library because of it's due date, and downloaded it to my kindle so I can read it when ever I feel. I have written a very long review for my favorite book just now, and I would like for you to know that these words are coming from a 10 year old's heart, soul, and, mind.

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